Categories: Job Search

Three steps to finding the right job

Finally, you decided to change the employer. For some, this was the result of long deliberation, or everything happened spontaneously – just during one of the typical working day you realized that it was no longer possible to come to this place every morning, say hello to these colleagues and report to this manager. What’s next?

Next – is a job search. At first, it’s even fun: you are getting invited for interviews, everyone is very welcoming. But time passes, there is still no suitable place, the money that was calculated upon dismissal is running out. Companies that you are interested in working for don’t make offers, and there is less and less time left to find a good position. There was anxiety, slight nervousness and a desire to find “at least some job.”

In a good third of the cases, the end of such stories is the same: a person gets a job in a new place that he does not like and takes a step back up the career ladder. The mood is spoiled, and there is absolutely no desire to work. 

A person can be understood. Emotions are peculiar to him. But recruiters always advise to approach your job search consciously, because job search is also a job. And in such a craft, you can also act professionally.

Let’s try to go all the way first without errors. So you’ve decided to change the employer.

What’s next?

Before you fall into euphoria from your relevance, you want to understand your ultimate goal to not pass it by accidentally.

Therefore, you do not pounce on vacancies but calmly remember about 3 “analyze”.

Analyze the reasons for leaving the last workplace

The question “Why did you leave Company N?” – a regular at interviews. Some candidates have catharsis at this moment: as at a psychoanalyst reception, they suddenly begin to understand the real reasons for their dismissal. It can be a feud with the boss or just a noisy air conditioner behind the back, but in any case, the realization of one’s professional fate directly in the interview gives the impression of the candidate’s superficiality.

The real reasons why you left your previous job are not difficult to determine. List all aspects of it: salary, boss, colleagues, tasks, workload, and so on. Rate each on a 10-point scale and highlight the items that scored the minimum number of points. These will be the first applicants for the reasons for your dismissal. And which of this you will tell at a future interview is up to you.

Analyze the economic infrastructure

It is essential to assess the financial and economic situation in the country correctly. How is the industry doing now? What are the latest trends in the direction in which you work? If you were selling DVDs in your previous job and you understand that this business is a thing of the past, think about where else you can be of help. Going to work in a declining industry, for a “dying out” product, is almost as bad a failure as getting rejected by a coveted employer.

Analyze yourself as a professional.

It is important to understand what you can do and what the level of your professional skills is. What are your strengths / weaknesses compared to other candidates with similar experience? Understanding which company and how you can be useful puts you from the position of “follower” to the position of “leader”. Be honest with yourself what level of job you can apply for: it will narrow your search and make your interviews productive.

After this analysis, you are ready to look for a job. A candidate who comes for an interview is expected, first of all, to have a clear picture of his career. Employers want to see a deliberate approach to finding a job, and the current interview is the final, the result of the professional’s logical and emotional experiences. After a series of questions, the hiring party longs to see a harmonious, whole-hearted candidate with a clear and transparent movement vector. If a candidate cannot understand himself, does not understand the reasons for changing jobs, does not know the current situation in the country, cannot objectively assess himself as a professional, then he will have complete chaos in his work.

Tim Miller

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